This issue begins with us meeting a mysterious ninja-like warrior who was tracking something or someone down in Osaka, Japan …

The character, Ronin, had already appeared on several New Avengers covers, without any explanation about who he was or any interior content about it. It was a great way to build mystery and introduce the character.
Daredevil is the reason Ronin ends up on The New Avengers’ radar. When Cap offers him the chance to join the team (again), he says no (again) but offers up Ronin to Steve as a “just as good” alternative…

The New Avengers track him down just as Ronin is slicing and fighting his way thorough Hand and Hydra, and losing the fight. The team intercedes on his behalf and there’s a big ninja fight, and of course The Avengers drive off the ninja horde. As they do, Spider-Woman sneaks away to tail the Hand ninjas (ninjae?) back to their base.
While its going on, Silver Samurai and Viper discuss an alliance to fight off a corrupt cell within SHIELD that is aligned with new Hydra leadership. Viper has ties to The Hand, and used them to kidnap Silver Samurai in an attempt to force him to join ranks. Spider-Woman tracks their soldiers back and confronts Madame Hydra, where we learn Jessica has cut a deal with her…

…Which also explains how Spider-Woman got her powers back. I love that Bendis doesn’t spoon feed us–we get information piecemeal, usually getting answers just about the time we’re getting annoyed having to keep asking the question. In the early 2000s, he was the best writer around, in my view.
The New Avengers capture Viper and, with Silver Samurai, fight off more Hand ninjas, and leave Japan. Ronin joins them on the flight back…

Viper is there, too, but escapes through an airlock–which sucks Cap out and allows for a tribute to Avengers Annual #10…

…Except that there it was Jessica rescuing Carol Danvers.

Back aboard the plane, Cap suspects something is amiss–how did Viper get out of her restraints to escape out the airlock? He confronts Jessica at the end of the issue, asking her who she is working for.
Also at the end of issue #13, Ronin is revealed.

When I read this in real time, I (and many others) believed Ronin was really Clint Barton. Of course, that will also happen. But for now, it’s Maya Lopez.
Another great story, full of excitement, misdirection and suspense!