Dan Slott returns to a new volume of She-Hulk right after he ended the first one (we are the beginning of an endless string of #1 issue reboots from Marvel), with the character dependent on a “Gamma Changer” to enable her to hulk out (but her shrink, Doc Samson, tells her that it’s really just a psychological problem). She’s still working for the super-law-firm, only it’s under new management and wants to focus on defending supervillains. Jennifer represents Boomerang and Ox. It’s still a great workplace in that it provides lots of opportunities for Slott’s excellent sense of humor.
But the story starts with her having to stop a street assault in her Jennifer Walters identity because her gamma changer is not charged up. Instead of helping, Captain America and Spider-Woman let her risk her life stopping the crime.

After being total dicks, they ask her to join the New Avengers and she says she’ll think about it. Good for you. If watching a crime is their idea of avenging, you’re better off without them.
From there, it’s time to introduce the big concept for the early issues of this series. Jennifer is still serving the Time Variance Authority and is called for trial. During voir dire, Jennifer recognizes one of the jurors as Clint Barton—but Hawkeye died during Avengers Disassembled!
Clint Barton was specifically pulled out of the past to serve on the jury, so that he can help free a falsely accused man. During the (fabulously fascinating) trial, Jennifer tries to slip Clint a note warning him about his imminent death, in an effort to prevent it. She’s caught by the TVA who then put HER on trial and tell her that, if she loses the case, she’ll be erased from time forever.

That’s the cliffhanger!
Note: In the letters page of issue #1, we’re given some math…

That explains the cover to #3.

Excellent (albeit unnecessary) reboot!