Marvel Knights Ghost Rider #1-6 (2005-2006): Road to Damnation

When we last saw Johnny Blaze, he was in Hell. We see now that his sentence is to race away from demons towards an open gate–only to have the gate slam shut at the last minute and the demons rip him apart, night after night.

But one of Hell’s demons, Kazaan, is plotting to escape Hell and the angel Malachi wants Blaze’s help to stop him. Of course in the end it’s a trick. Ghost Rider is able to stop Kazaan but he still has to be in Hell, only now the double-crossing Malachi is with him, dragged behind him in his nightly ride against demons.

Clayton Crain–a highly stylized artist best known for working with symbiotes–teams up with Garth Ennis–an extraordinary writer whose work here is somewhat less than that. This is definitely a solid Ghost Rider story, which is very, very hard to write, but it’s a lot less than I expected from a master like Ennis.

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