Much is written about this series. Many, notably Chris Claremont, felt it was an unnecessary addition and ruined the mystery of the character. Others can’t get enough of Logan and will read anything he’s in. Still others enjoyed it on its merits.
It’s that last group I don’t really get. It’s fairly by the numbers. Logan is part of a threesome of young children that all play together: The rich little girl named Rose O’Hara, James (Logan), and Wolverine’s brother, Dog.
He has an abusive alcoholic dad who, naturally, he kills-by-accident when his powers first manifest.

He also disfigures his brother, Dog.
Rose and Logan go on the run. Logan’s feral side comes out. Dog hunts him.

And in the final battle, Rose—who Logan crushes on for the whole series—accidentally falls on Logan’s claws.

Nothing you couldn’t have predicted here, but the creative team is strong so it’s done well.