Like I’ve said, there’s not a huge reason to recap the issues of Punisher from Mike Baron’s run because they’re mostly self-contained crime stories that don’t tie to the greater Marvel Universe in any way that makes them essential. That said, these two issues introduce Microchip, Punisher’s “supply man” and one-man support team, and he’s kind of important to the Punisher character for many years to come. One thing I like about him is he’s a balding, overweight dude. Not many of them in comics, but there’s really no reason for him to be inordinately buff. Also, he has a kid named Junior, which wasn’t something I even remembered.

When the 1990s arrive, everyone in comics will look like personal trainers.
The story is a clear analogy to Reverend Jim Jones’ Kool Aid cult, which isn’t something you’d normally associate with Punisher. Punisher was wounded in his last battle…

…And he sees a reverend who heals him with a touch of the hand.

But the bad guy, Reverend Sam Smith, who worships Belasco, will return a bunch more times. Because Punisher doesn’t kill him.