Marvel’s heaviest hitters unite for an event that…Sucks. It’s Kang. It’s time travel. Cap goes back to the time of Gilgamesh. Thor is in 1800s France and visits the Trojan War. It all centers around a town called Timely, Wisconsin. The Avengers get a third battle yell…

…And Dr. Druid has a major role. (I should have led with that–then I wouldn’t have needed to say this event is terrible.). Oh, and Kang has an army of “Arachnauts.”

Don’t read this. It doesn’t matter and it’s awful.
This could and should have been a lot of fun. But it is 1992, and Marvel kinda sucks in large part.
There’s a four-part back-up story by Peter Sanderson recounting the history of Kang. And other single back-ups including one where Falcon gets a battle suit.

He also fights Taskmaster. It’s a better story than anything else in these annuals.
The Thor annual has a really bad, really sexist story about Ulik the Troll’s wife that was supposed to be funny but wasn’t. Mantis and Moondragon fight each other for no reason in the FF annual.