If you’re a regular reader of this site, you know that anything with Black Knight gets short shrift from me. I just hate this character.
To the credit of the creators of this single-issue tale, they do a good job at making him relevant. He’s a swords-and-sorcery guy, and in this story he fights street criminals in Washington, DC, and gets in trouble with the cops for being a vigilante. And because there’s ANOTHER armored guy running around town (Crusader, first seen in Thor #330), there’s some mistaken identity in it. It’s a misunderstood hero/fish out of water story.
If you don’t recall who Crusader is, there’s a nice recap. Dan Quayle appears, but more importantly, Black Knight gets punched hard in the face.

I grade this as a C+. The “plus” is for making a BK story that I actually liked reading.