Champions #7-10 (1976-1977): 1st Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo IV

This story starts with a literal bang as a bomb comes flying through the window of the Champions’ temporary headquarters.  Followed by Griffin.

“Sweet Jumpin’ Catfish???” Is that really something Ghost Rider would say? A problem with team books can be a lack of consistency in characterization.

Anyway, it’s all part of a scheme by Russia to reclaim Black Widow as an asset.  So we get a glimpse into her origin.

As well as others who Russia has brought up as assets: Titanium Man, Griffin, Rampage, and a new Crimson Dynamo-D list villains-and a new, female character: Darkstar. 

She’s a blonde with the same training as Widow but also some unexplained powers…

She can take on Ghost Rider.

And the battle causes so much hubub that Governor Gerry Brown has to run for his life!

It’s cool that they just drop Darkstar into the story with no explanation. 

She kidnaps Widow,

But Widow’s too good to be tied up.

She gets free, but no sooner does she reunite with her best friend Ivan than…

Ivan’s brother shows up! And they’re both tied up.

So much bondage!

And Ivan gets a backstory too…

By the end of the story Darkstar, like Natasha, has defected to the U.S. to become a “good guy.”  Bill Mantlo picks up the story halfway through, so maybe he thought he liked the character too much to keep her on the villain side.

Also, the team hold their first press conference, at which Angel finally gets out of the horrible costume he’s been wearing and switches to a red version of the one that Neal Adams designed back during his seminal X-Men run.

Much better.

So far in this book, Black Widow hasn’t had much to do.  It’s nice to get some backstory for her.  In all, this is the best arc this team has had so far.

With Darkstar on board, the team’s full roster is complete.

Creators changed for these issues. Tony Isabella and George Tuska (#7-8), Bill Mantlo and Bob Hall (#9-10)

3 thoughts on “Champions #7-10 (1976-1977): 1st Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo IV”

  1. I have to disagree with your assertion that this story-arc involving the history/origin of the Black Widow is the painfully-brief series’ “best arc this team has had so far.” That honor goes to the excellent three-part series opener from issues#1-3, which was originally supposed to be a self-contained all-in-one for ‘Giant-Sized Champions’#1, called “Assault on Olympus!” But, by mid-1975, Marvel pulled the plug on it’s legendary ‘Giant-Sized’ line, for reasons which remain lost to the mists of time. And yes, the Angel’s re-adoption of the only costume he ever wore that ever mattered was Marvel’s nicest gift to it’s readers of the whole year, although the color red is absolutely counterintuitive to the image and politics of an angel. I spent a few months in 1976 screaming over it, and wrote to Marvel and Bill Mantlo and Tony Isabella that their editorial reasonings for putting the Angel back into yet another costume with red as it’s dominant color ( as revealed on the letters page a few issues later ) were totally puerile. ( and they were ) I am not uncomfortable with Ghost Rider using such cornpone expressions as “Holy jumpin’ catfish!!!” considering that it IS in keeping with the speech pattern established for Johnny Blaze at that particular point in Ghost Rider’s history, but I would only add that, if I were the Ghost Rider, and I were facing Death squarely in the face in the persons of Darkstar, and, especially the Griffin, who was EXTREMELY dangerous, then I believe that I would table the ‘Gomer Pyle’ dialogue in favor of something MUCH more intimidating, such as GR’s patented, super-deep, sepulchral “spook-voice”, with something sufficiently sinister-sounding like: “By the Hadean CHIMES!!!! DESIST, ye foolish mortals, lest the power of Hell DESTROYETH thee!!!!” Even if I were the fearsome Griffin, I’d LISTEN to THAT! Or, something sufficiently ‘Halloween’-sounding. Johnny knows the rap! After all, he spent his entire adolescence ( and possibly his childhood, as well ) studying Satanism! That’s how he ruined his life in the first place! So, believe me, he knows the rap! And, finally, Mr. Ekko, in re your tag of “Bondage ( and kinky sex )” I will agree with you that this arc contains a healthy ( and enjoyable ) amount of bondage, mostly involving Our Miss Natasha- but where was the kinky sex-?? I reread the entire story arc on the strength of this tag recommendation, here, and saw absolutely nothing at all even resembling any sexual activity, kinky, or otherwise!! I feel ripped!! As the New York City super-set is given to say, “What gives-??”

  2. Oooooooooooooooo-kay, “Mr. Ekko”…………………………..I’ll buy that……………………for NOW…………………………………..


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