A Shang Chi/Moon Knight team up seems like a no-brainer. And that’s exactly what it is. Brainless. But not terrible.

Doug Moench, who was responsible for all of Moon Knight’s origin and foundation, is the creator.

Shang Chi takes on a cult just because it’s the right thing to do. Moon Knight is doing the same thing.

Moonie first meets Shang Chi in his own bedroom.

(sexy music plays…)

Then it’s action time.

First they have to cross the river Sticks.

Then fight bats. Then work through defense systems…

Moon Knight tries to be funny.

See, I would normally be mad at Moench for writing Spector so out of character, but…I forgive him because this issue is clearly intended to be bananas.

The cult employs mechanical mummies.

After defeating them, Shang Chi beats up a brain that’s covered in writing.

And in the end, the villain is literally a cartoon.

No. He’s another robot.

And in the very end, it’s about the kids!

Silly and fun. I didn’t know Doug Moench could write madcap, zany stories. I don’t think he’s ever done it like this before…Has he?

A second feature has Moon Knight upset that some folks are making a movie about him.

That’s the work of Mike Higgins and Marie Severin.

Finally, there’s some strange pin-ups reimagining Moon Knight in the tone of other characters…

That’s partly why I said up top that this issue is intended to be out of character. I like that the pin-ups have the same tone.

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