1 thought on “MARVEL FANFARE HOUSE AD (1981)”

  1. Just loved that first four-issue mini-epic, with Spidey, the X-Men, ( including my beloved Storm!! ) Ka-Zar, Zabu, the exquisite Tanya Anderson, the Savage Land, ( Ka-Zar, Zabu, and Wolverine can all HAVE it!! You wouldn’t catch MY lily-white ass there!!! Too much “Jurassic Park” going on!! It’s like the Iceman once put it, in ‘Giant-Size X-Men’ #1- “Yeeeech!! You’d need a super-power just to SURVIVE there!!!” He’s right!! ) and, most X-citingly of all, my MAIN man, the High-Flying, Avenging Angel, rocking ONLY the sharpest, most visually-impressive superhero ensemble ever to see design!!! Oddly, this particular costume really hasn’t seen a lot of wear since it first appeared in 1969, in ‘Uncanny X-Men’ #62- it vanished only four issues later, in the Original X-Men’s final, original issue, #66, and wouldn’t reappear for another five years, in ‘Giant-Size X-Men’ #1, for a handful of panels immediately after, in ‘Uncanny X-Men’#94- and then, was aggressively retired, beginning in ‘The Champions’#1, and would NOT return for a full, nineteen years, in ‘Uncanny X-Men’ #328!! I think Marvel needs to implement an iron-clad rule in re the Angel’s attire- until some artist can actually design an outfit SUPERIOR to the classic, blue-and-white, halo-on-the-chest, black leather jack-boots Adams design- DON’T-CHANGE-IT-AGAIN!!!!!!!! I have spoken!! Excelsior!!!!


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