Another simple, character-based, terrific issue. If you want action, it starts with practice battles against Hulk, where we meet a new student team: The Paragons.
Members include Pixie, Wolf Cub, Match, etc. We’ll get to know them better later.
If you want romance: Emma and Scott scold Rahne for having had a relationship with Josh “Elixir” Foley after Josh restored Rahne’s powers using his healing abilities. This leads to a falling out between Rahne and Dani (Josh is one of Dani’s students), and Rahne quits her job and leaves the school for good.
Meanwhile, Elixir is now dating Wallflower, but the whole school finds out about his tryst with Rahne and Laurie turns on him…
She uses her pheromones to scare him away. Now THAT’S how to dump a jerk who cheated on you. I like how the book is exploring the reality of what it would be like as a teen with abilities and teen desires/lack of experience.
Finally, if you want intrigue, a new guidance counselor is hired and seems to have sinister intentions.
He will later be revealed as Laurie’s father and has the same pheromone powers.