Marvel Knights Punisher #24-26 (2003): The Hidden

This is classically gruesome Garth Ennis.  A spoiled little kid is pinned under his obese mother when she dies of a heart attack, and literally has to eat her to survive until the police find him, days later. 

As a result, he acquires a taste for human flesh.  As an adult, he moves into the sewers and calls himself “The Man Below.”  He starts eating homeless people and living in an underground structure framed with their bones that he calls his mother.

A cult of cannibals grows up around him and becomes his personal army.

Punisher kills them all and burns the Man Below alive.

High gross factor here. 

SILVER SURFER #49-50 (1991)

Remember how Thanos got turned to stone and Jim Starlin never really dealt with that when he brought the Mad Titan back? Well, turns out he was waiting for Silver…