She-Hulk #4-5 (2006)

This is another delightful set of issues from what is fast-becoming one of my all-time favorite runs. Last issue, the Time Variance Authority agreed to release an Avenger from its custody and in these issues we learn who it is…

…And we get to have some fun with him. (It’s Two-Gun Kid.)
But before we learn all that, most of issue #4 is devoted to establishing a minor character who has created a not-for-profit version of Damage Control that fixed up places destroyed by Hulk. In a cute little retcon, the founder of the organization is revealed as a guy who bet Rick Jones to trespass at the gamma bomb site on that fateful day when Hulk was created.

Andy joins the trenchcoat disguise club.
Dan Slott+ ???
Nightcrawler #12 (2006)
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Writer), Darick Robertson TAG: FINAL PANEls, creators appearing This issue resolves some dangling plot items, establishes that Kurt’s new relationship with the Soulsword is de-aging him. The team…
Marvel Knights 4 #22 (2005)
Ben goes back to Yancy Street to speak with Ben Urich about his childhood, and is paralleled against the myth of the Jewish Golem. As far as this series goes,…
Spider-Man Unlimited #12 (2006)
Now THIS is what an anthology title is supposed to be about! Big Wheel joins “Vil-Anon,” a 12-step program for D-list villains, and makes amends by following Spider-Man around to…