The anthology is revived with a #1 issue just as soon as volume one ended. We get two stories, both seemingly intended to focus on lesser-knowns and maybe make them better-knowns. Story one focuses on Sage. She breaks into a Hellfire Club office, with the help of Bishop, to steal a photograph they have of her as a young woman back when Professor X was in the military.
Whatever. I still don’t care about Sage.
The second story is a Halloween story.

That’s a cute picture. I count Halloween costumes as cosplay, so we’ve got some baby X-Men cosplaying here and I get to use my tag about superheroes doing cosplay.
It involves mutants who look scary but can go out one night a year without freaking out the world. I could have dug a whole character piece about this, but instead the kids have to foil a kidnapping. It’s still fun, and the art is great, but I would have liked a little more here. Of course, that’s the problem with short story/anthology books.

The story is narrated by Andy Hartnell, who will later be known as Cryptid, and it is his first appearance.