After beating up Rhino, Nova and Spider-Man join a team being assembled by Doctor Strange, which also includes Hulk, She-Hulk and Warbird.
Why didn’t Doc use The Defenders?
The group teleport to challenge Titannus, who is already going at it with Wolverine.

The alien fights a few of the heroes before saying he just wants to talk.

Issue #12 is devoted to a long, detailed, and sympathetic story told by Titannus. But in the final pages, Doctor Strange says the whole narrative was bullshit, and the heroes attack for the big final battle in issue #13.
Interesting choice, to dedicate a whole issue to a fake story told by a character who doesn’t matter and won’t be seen again.
Anyway, some of the heroes fight him while the rest search for his ship–trying to find the girl he’s kept in stasis since the beginning of this series. They find her and free her (she was his captive), bring her to the battlefield, and she rejects Titannus which causes him to…

(Nice sound effect.)
But in the end, his body is in a lab where some doctors note that his head is regrowing.