At the end of last arc, the kids were running away from their supervillain parents as well as the law, since their parents’ group, The Pride, had the resources and connections to control the cops.
In these issues, they are beginning to get comfortable with who they are.

They get a new member: Topher. He’s a teen vampire, i.e., he was bit when he was sixteen years old.

He won’t last past this story arc. The kids meet him while he is robbing a store, and Topher tricks the Runaways into believing that his parents forced him to commit the crime.
Alex Wilder figures out the truth, but before he does, Topher seduces both Karolina and Nico–sowing seeds of jealousy–and then tries to eat team-members. But when he bites Karolina, her sun-based powers (which include absorbing solar energy in her blood), Topher is destroyed.