Spider-Slayer mach 2!
Spider-Man tries to track down the Slayer’s creator…Using a phone book!
Back in 1967, even New Yorkers were still civilized enough to allow a booth to stand and to allow actual books–with paper!–to be basically unmolested. The world has changed.
The Slayer won’t let the booth be though.
Anyway, J. Jonah Jameson again funded the creation. JJJ never gives up trying to take down Spidey. You gotta kinda admire him for that.
But in the end, JJJ is an old softie and doesn’t want to kill Spider-Man.
Although all is ok in the end, Spider-Man does get knocked for a loop by the Slayer.
Perhaps in a prelude to Peter David’s brilliant issue, The Commuter (Amazing Spider-Man #267), Spider-Man rides the bus.
But he is foiled by a party pooper.
Ka-Zar has a cameo, taking his cat out for a walk.
Just to remind us he’s in NYC.