AVENGERS #182 (1979)

A little more on the Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver plot line.

The two characters drop, lifeless, and the cause is traced to a crazy old gypsy man who says he is the father of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and the team tries to get back the magic stone that has captured their teammates’ lifeforces.

Turns out, he is Django Maximoff, the man who raised the kids as his own (but they were NOT his own) at the request of High Evolutionary.  Django has a magic stone that enables him to put the Maximoff kids’ souls into small mannequins.  He’s also the guy who taught Pietro and Wanda to be thieves.

When the Avengers face him, he uses his magic to create images of some of their enemies.

So that’s not really Toad.  It’s a magical conjuring.

At the end, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return to their bodies but take a leave of absence to go to Europe with Django and learn about their past.

That shows a remarkable level of trust and forgiveness for a dude who put their bodies into wooden dolls.

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