A variant cover by Jae Lee.
A script by the guy who wrote Back to the Future. An award-winning interior artist. This has potential.
While the extended Avengers lineup decorate a tree, Hank Pym is busy being sciency and would rather ignore the Holidays than visit with Janet’s family.
The extended conversation is written very well…but I’m not sure when it takes place. Because Wanda is dating Wonder Man, not Vision.
I don’t know why Jan and Hank are back together. I must have missed that. Either way, Hank is still a jerk.
Then the team gets a letter from a kid whose relatives are a “buncha jerks,” and Hank and Jan decide to visit him and help cheer him up over the holidays.
Of course, things go wrong–the family are actually a dangerous bunch of jerks–but it’s all localized to family drama. Hank does enable the kid to shrink his relatives down and do mean crap to them, like force his chain-smoking aunt into a tupperware with rotting fruit.