More Serpent Crown stuff. It’s stretching across two years.
The trouble starts when Vision gets the great idea of putting the Serpent Crown–the little hat that caused the team problems for the past half-dozen-or-so issues–somewhere where nobody will ever find it: The ocean.

Naturally, Attuma finds it and everyone starts fighting.

The team vs. Whizzer (who is chasing illusions created by Living Laser)!
Simon Williams vs. Attuma. Chaboom!
Turns out, Attuma was involved with Doc Doom who was trying to mutate plankton (don’t ask). Sub Mariner shows up and (of course) fights The Avengers instead of the real bad guys.

Attuma is allied with another Atlantean named Tyrak. This is his first appearance. The cast of this book is huge now, and it’s fun seeing George Perez draw such a wide cast. It is his skill set, after all, which is why he goes on to illustrate the famous JLA/Avengers crossover and DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths.
When the story ends, the crown is back underwater.
And we get this classic Beast panel:
Pretty good stuff.