Black Panther #7 (2005): House of M

I remember reading through old “What If?” comics a few years ago and counting how many of the stories there ended up actually becoming canon in some way. What if Elektra had lived? Much to Frank Miller’s dismay, she was resurrected. What if Spider-Man joined the Fantastic Four? He did. What if the Fantastic Four had different powers? That’s happened. What if Jane Foster was Thor? Uh-huh.

House of M is basically just a big What If? story, and this one comes true. Storm rules Africa and T’Challa, who is not a mutant, tries to free Wakandan humankind from Magneto’s oppressive mutant rule.

Although you can’t say mutant rule is all bad…

Nothing bad here, but a step down from the earlier issues of this reboot, but at least it’s over in a single issue.


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