Marvel Team-Up #15 (1973): Ghost Rider; 1st Orb

I’ve been pretty open on this site that Ghost Rider’s comic kinda sucks.  But one thing I always loved about him was his enemy, The Orb.  And I had no idea that the villain wasn’t even created in the pages of Ghost Rider!

Ghost Rider is in control of his demon persona now, so he’s on tour doing stunt shows.  Remember, the 1970s were the time of Evil Kinevil.  Everyone thought bikes were cool.

Lots of motorcycle riding action sequences-Spider-Man really is incidental to the story


Orb’s helmet can hypnotize people, and he’s out for revenge because he thinks Roxanne Simpson’s father is responsible for what’s under Orb’s helmet, and Roxy is Johny Blaze’s stunt partner and girlfriend. 

So, what is under that helmet anyway?

Wow.  Gruesome. I’d be pissed off, too.

I wish more Ghost Rider stories were like this-grounded, instead of all full of demons every month.


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