Ghost Rider #63 (1981)

I always enjoy an Orb story, and I was happy to see Luke McDonnell on the art.  He’s an unsung legend of the 1980s, and this issue looks much better for his participation.

Orb robs a truck on a lone desert highway, and Ghost Rider goes after him.

Orb gets a new costume and tech upgrade, from Madame Menace, with these exploding, guided eye bombs.  But of course they’re no match for Ghost Rider…

McDonnell does a great job with that sequence.  Very, very cool.  Sadly, he’s just stopping by for one issue.

Also, the cover to this issue is one of my all-time favorites.  I’d love to own the actual art.

Just in case any of you want to go buy me a present.

2 thoughts on “Ghost Rider #63 (1981)”

  1. My favorite GR cover. My mother redrew that GR and motorcycle onto a black shirt for me. Of course I was 11yo at the time


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