Also, Pete gets his Christmas bonus.

And takes the Spider-Mobile for a test drive.

He also fights Hammerhead, but that’s the least interesting part of this issue.

1 thought on “AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #130 (1974)”

  1. I really dug the ‘Spidey-Mobile’, and wished like Hell Spidey could have kept it- it is certainly one hell of a more efficient means of transportation than swinging on webs all over town- ( this also applies, even MORE so, to the Bat-Brigade over in Gotham City- I’m sorry, DC, but non-superpowered people like the Bat-Brigade using Bat-ropes as a method of quick, reliable travel is just pure idiocy ) however, I must also concede that employing a conventional means of transport, like a car, or a ‘Spidey-Cycle’ would be highly problematic when your ass is wanted by the po-po for questioning, as was the case with Spidey in 1974, in reference to the murder of Gwen Stacy. It was definitely for the best at the time that Spidey remain airborne, in order to continue to evade the clutches of the law. ( odd how the NYPD failed to dispatch po-po choppers to at least try to bring him in ) I also really enjoyed his bromance with the Human Torch. Even though Johnny and the FF did not know who Spidey really was at the time, ( a situation that has long since been rectified ) they could all nevertheless tell that the Torch and Spidey were more or less around the same age, and their friendly bantering, and bickering, as well as their healthy, friendly rivalry, was quite an enjoyable story thread in the Sixties, and early Seventies. I would have much preferred it if the entire run of ‘Marvel Team-Up’ had remained focused on the partnership/romance between Spidey and the Human Torch. Those Spidey-Torch issues of ‘MTU’ were a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the vast majority of the run of the series which did not contain the Torch, only with very, very few exceptions, such as issue # 4’s X-cellent Spidey/O. X-Men/Morbius adventure, the awesome issue# 32’s ‘Torch-Son of Satan’ meeting, ( you know- the FF and Hellstrom have not crossed paths SINCE-??? And that was FIFTY YEARS AGO!!!!! ) and the equally-awesome “Time-Travel Saga” of issues #41-46, from late 1975, into 1976- but, that’s about it- I read the entire run of ‘Marvel Team-Up’- all 150 issues- and the aforementioned issues are seriously just about the ONLY issues of the entire run which I can actually recall!! And that says a LOT! But, Spidey and the Human Torch is/was ( primarily was ) one of the great comic-book romances of all time, and I lament it’s passing. X-celsior!


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