The story picks up where last issue left off–Cap and Falcon are stuck in the hole that led them to a Mole Man adventure. They get out of that pretty quick–it’s just a continuity segment. Interestingly, a military leader seems to be pro-environment as a result of the adventure.

Too bad that’s not a true story. Then it’s on to bike bonding.

The conversation finds Captain America getting defensive about his sexuality.

Kidding of course. He just doesn’t want to talk about Sharon because he lacks confidence about his ability to be a good partner to her. And then we turn to Falcon’s insecurity. He doesn’t think he’s a good enough superhero to serve with Cap.

He decides to prove he’s up to the job of Captain America’s sidekick by taking down a vigilante. 

It’s a little odd that an antiestablishment hero like Falcon is so quick to believe The Daily Bugle’s anti-Spider-Man propaganda.

Spider-Man’s not wrong. Falcon should not be a challenge for him.

Cap shows up.

Of course they end up as buddies and all team up to fight a common foe–Harlem’s gangster Stoneface.

#137 is Gene Colan’s last issue, and #138 begins John Romita, Sr.’s run on Captain America.  Colan’s art is undeniably good, but I don’t feel like he ever gave his best to Cap.  Actually, it’s probably because he’s better suited to shadowy characters like Daredevil.  Conversely, Romita’s clean-cut style is perfect for Cap.

1 thought on “CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE FALCON #137-138 (1971)”

  1. It’s been over fifty-two years since the last time I read these two issues, so I will keep my statements in re brief: I don’t believe Gene “The Dean” Colan was “holding back” on the ‘Cap&Falcon’ series- I simply believe, as you pointed out yourself, that superhero comics aren’t his main meat. The Dean caught the career break of his life just one year later with the advent of ‘The Tomb of Dracula’, which is where he really left his mark on the comics field, as well as the world, although his contributions to ‘Daredevil’ and ‘Dr. Strange’ should never be underrated. Another point in question here is where you mention that you agree with ol’ Spidey that the Falcon is no match for him. Well, maybe the Falcon ALONE is no match for the Webbed Wonder, but never make the mistake of underestimating the ferocity and striking power of a fully-trained hunting hawk! Redwing is the Falcon’s secret weapon, and whereas I have no information on how long falcons are expected to live, I think Sam is going to be just fine as long as his bird is around! Of course, with the Marvel sliding time-scale in effect, that is going to be a long time to come! Marvel recently stated that the current Marvel continuity ( beginning in ‘Fantastic Four’#1 ) began in the year 2001! So, Earth-616 is, technically, forty years behind the times! Actually, that works for me in the sense that so much of what goes on technology-wise in 616 has a distinct “21st Century flavor” to it. Example: A rocket round-trip to the Moon in the 2020’s is no big deal anymore, but it was a scientific impossibility in 1961. ( in the real world ) In 1963, ‘Iron Man’ was considered pure fantasy, but, sixty years later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is telling us that “Ol’ Shellhead” will be with us in about eighty years from now, in or around 2103! So- even though the Marvel sliding time-scale causes us to lose certain facts of Marvel history such as Reed Richards and Ben Grimm’s participation in World War II, Tony Stark’s involvement in the Vietnam War, ( which was a MASSIVE component to Iron Man’s origin and backstory ) we, nevertheless, have to take the bad with the good. So, in summary- Gene Colan was a world-league artist, regardless of the milieu, and the Falcon has very little to fear as long as Redwing has his back! Nuff said!


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