AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #191-193 (1979)

Last issue, Man-Wolf “died” in a fight with Spider-Man, so of course Jonah Jameson (father of Man-Wolf) blames Spidey (it was an obvious accident, though) and swears to get revenge.

That mans yet another Spider-Slayer robot.

This time, Spencer Smythe designs one that looks like a spider because, why not?  Then, brilliantly, he ties the two characters together.

During all the drama, JJJ is betrayed by Smythe (of course) and Spider-Man has to save Jonah’s life (again).   Which forces JJJ to have a conscience.

By the end, Jonah feels humiliated and cries.

j jonah jameson gets a conscience

This story bleeds right into #192-193, which features Human Fly, who debuted in 1976’s Spider-Man’s annual and hasn’t been seen since.

Fly is silly and Spidey knows it.

Even if Fly doesn’t have the self-awareness to laugh at himself.

Fly had set Spidey up to look like a thief but, once again, he clears his name in the end.

Issue #193 also begins a slow build that will culminate in #200.


The return of the burglar who killed Uncle Ben.  This will arguably be Marv Wolfman’s best Spider-Man story.  But holy hell is it contrived. 

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