This is another one of those miniseries that features art by Deodato studios, which is decidedly NOT Mike Deodato (although I have tagged him since the artist/artists in his studio are not named). John Ostrander is a good writer, but I just don’t care about Bishop’s “future” life with his sister Shard, who is now a living hologram and wants to join the X-Men.
So there’s a ton–a ton–of future events (that are actually from Bishop’s own “past,” in that they happened “before” he time-jumped backwards to before they actually happened, making it so that they really didn’t happen in the 616 universe at all. The events are all told via Danger Room simulations, which means that they’re not even retellings of actual events but rather are Bishop/Shard interpretations of events that happened in their own pasts but which may or may not happen again in the future when their pasts become “current.”

Got that? Good for you. I don’t.
The most important thing we learn from this series how Shard became a hologram. She was an XSE soldier in the future, with Bishop, and got infected by an emplate (basically, a vampire). Rather than let his sister become an emplate herself, Bishop downloaded her consciousness and killed her body.
In the end, Shard decides to go over to X-Factor instead of joining the X-Men. Not sure what difference that makes, though, since all the x-books intertwine constantly.
The book also introduces Hecate, who is the founder of the XSE and who will have a bunch of other appearances. She took in Bishop and Shard after the death of their grandmother (who might be Storm?).

She has some kind of darkness power, but I don’t think it is related to Cloak or Shroud.
Nothing bad here, just not anything I care much about.