X-Men and Power Pack #1-4 (2005-2006)

This seems like an all-ages book and probably not canon, but it’s excellent. And it starts on Halloween, where Jack makes this meta joke about how overexposed Wolverine is…

Of course, the real Wolverine shows up–it seems Sabretooth is around and the two are up to one of their never-ending mano-a-mano bouts.

Look, the story is simple and fun–and just a platform for the Power kids to do their things. The character work is great, it’s cool to see the kids growing up a bit, and each issue has a different X-Man guest star and focuses mostly on one of the four kids. (#2=Beast. #3=Nightcrawler. #4=Cyclops.)

This book was successful enough (and got rave reviews) to launch a whole series of “… and Power Pack” minis for the next several years. I’m not covering them because they’re no canon, but they’re perfect for younger readers so GO BUY THEM AND READ THEM TO YOUR KIDS OR GRANDKIDS OR NIECES AND NEPHEWS…We need the next generation to want to read comics or else…No more comics.

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