Yet another sequel to What If? #13, this time with Conan being unable to return home after arriving in the 20th Century. This time he becomes the leader of a black street gang.
It’s still fun reading about Conan in the 616, especially when he fights Captain America.
The back-up story, Behold, isn’t quite a What If? Instead, it’s a story about an alternate universe that gets destroyed. But it’s still not an Earth 616 story, so the details don’t matter. Fun read though.

Issue #44 is even better: “What If? Captain America were revived today?” Great read. And Bill Sienkiewicz has been doing the covers of late. That’s always a treat. His cover for #45 is particularly awesome.

What If? #46 asks What If Uncle Ben Had Lived. Ron Frenz does his best Steve Ditko imitation.

And #47 gives Loki Mjolnir.

It’s fine, a fun read, but the weakest of the issues included here.
Now, issues #43, 46, and #47 obviously did not, and could not, come true. But like so many other What If? stories, the premise of #44 served as the basis for a future comic storyline. Actually, an entire product line: The Ultimates recast the emergence of Marvel characters in the context of the 21st Century. And #45? Well, Hulk is always going berserk. This time, though, it ends particularly badly…