My prior posts on What If? have been focusing on how the stories actually anticipated canon plots for Earth 616, at some point in the future. Today, though, these posts are all most definitely non-canon. Again, the only reason they fit into my site (which is just about stories that take place in the main Marvel Universe is because they’re told by Uatu as he sits comfortably in the blue area of the Earth 616 moon.

WHAT IF? #17: What if Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman, and Captain Marvel Were Villains?

Lots of fun. And the answers to the questions are: Ghost Rider would end up being killed by Son of Satan; Spider-Woman would wage a one-woman war against SHIELD; and Captain Mar-Vell would become a colonel and lead an army of Kree to invade Earth.

WHAT IF? #18: What If Dr. Strange Were a Disciple of Dormammu? He would beat the snot out of Eternity but, in the end, would decide to join with the Ancient One after all.

What If? #19: What If Spider-Man had Never Become a Crime Fighter? Peter Gillis and Pat Broderick team up for a wacky story about Spider-Man being a celeb, forcing J. Jonah to kowtow to him.
JJJ ends up being a crime lord, and he kills Daredevil when Spider-Man fails to intervene. So that’s the ironic twist ending: He’s still motivated to action by his own inaction.