Time for Herb Trimpe, who drew more issues of Hulk than anyone else, to take a turn on Rampaging.
The magazine has been about the Kylorian invasion since #1, which is an interesting idea, and those threads continue here–but the real attraction is a re-telling of the first time The Avengers fought Hulk.
The Kylorian Invasion story ends in issue #9, and the mag’s title changes from Rampaging Hulk to just “Hulk!”

On the Bloodstone side, Ulysses dies. He will stay dead for over a decade until Mark Gruenwald revives him in Captain America, where this story will be recounted as canon.
So these magazine stories appear to me to be “canon adjacent.” Nothing that happens here changes the 616, but some of it is pulled into the 616 much later.
Since he died in #8, issue #9 can’t have a Bloodstone backup. So we get a truly badass Shanna of the Jungle story.

She beats up a bad guy and feeds him to an anaconda.
Also, there’s a bunch of “fact sheets” about various villains, drawn by the great George Perez. The writing is by new magazine editor David Anthony Kraft.

Doug Moench with Herb Trimpe and Sal Buscema (Hulk). C
Steve Gerber and Alan Kupperberg (Moonstone). C-
Gerber and Tony DeZuniga (Shanna). C+