Remember Capwolf? Well apparently the werewolf idea is catching.
Merlin escapes SHIELD custody and tries to take over England. To stop him, Fury assembles an army of monster characters and puts Clay Quartermain in charge of them. The monsters, which include some new ones (Warwolf, Vampire by Night) and some established ones (Grogg, Mummy), and some allies (Son of Satan, Lilith), volunteer to assist in order to get out of “Section 13,” a paranormal prison run by SHIELD.

They even have a Groot.
I understand that Groot dates back to Silver Age and it’s a different one than the one in the Guardians of the Galaxy, but I’m probably just gonna tag all groots as Groot. Just ’cause. Or maybe I won’t. I don’t have to make that decision today.

It sounds dumb, but it’s actually a pretty fun read. Sadly, though, it is marred by muddy quality printing and low-grade art (by three different pencillers). This could have been great, but instead the series was cancelled after issue #6.

It ends with the possibility of more in the future.