After a truly awful attempt to recast Moon Knight as a supernatural soldier, Steve Englehart and Al Milgrom do their best to get silk from the sow’s ear. Rather than bring the “real” Moon Knight back into Marvel continuity, they play with the recent reboot. It’s pretty silly, but West Coast Avengers, over all, was a pretty silly book.

Moon Knight gets Tigra as a love interest, but other than that he doesn’t get a whole lot to do. He’s kind of interchangeable with…Just about any other character.
But there was the time he argued with Hawkeye and Clint Barton lectured him about being on probation and needing to follow the rules. Really? Hawkeye? Wasn’t he on the butt end of basically the exact same argument when he joined the Avengers and Captain America wanted him to tow the line?
Anyway, Moon Knight stayed with the West Coast affiliate branch for twenty issues before Koshnu released him and he moved on.
It was a very weird scene that really belonged in an old Steve Ditko Doctor Strange tale, not a West Coast Avengers comic about Moon Knight….

Anyway, Marc Spector quit in WCA#41, and went on to … An extremely mediocre solo title.