Mr. Fantastic is trying to stop Bill Foster from dying from radiation poisoning (see last issue), and needs the help of a Canadian scientist who happens to also be a large, hairy, orange member of Alpha Flight. Thing goes to get him. Because I guess they don’t have phones in Canada?
Meanwhile Shaman is in a cave fighting a mystical threat, which makes the Earth shift, and Sasquatch “lose his footing.” So he and Thing fight.

Now there are lots of dumb reasons why heroes fight in this comic and the Spider-Man version, Marvel Team-Up, but this is about the dumbest.
In the next issue, Thing and the entire Alpha Flight team fight the mystical threat, a giant Native American.

No, not that one.

His name is Ranark, and he will return in the Alpha Flight comic.

And when it’s finally done, Langkowski examines Bill Foster and says there’s no way to save him.