MARVEL FEATURE #11 (1972): Precursor to Marvel Two-in-One

3 thoughts on “MARVEL FEATURE #11 (1972): Precursor to Marvel Two-in-One”

  1. I remember having read this one time, and one time only, back in 1973, when it first came out. I still have the copy. Just haven’t read it in half a century. I wonder if I noticed at the time how well the Hulk’s vocabulary was improving! Seriously- “quarrel”-??? I do not see the Hulk employing this term, or any term similar to it, at least until Doc Samson gets around to shrinking him into “The Intelligent Hulk” sometime around a decade or so later! Knowhutimean-??

  2. P.S. Also, this was a pretty serviceable effort on the parts of Len Wein and Stellar Jim Starlin. A grade of “C+” is a bit stingy. I would rate it a solid “B”! X-celsior!!

  3. P.S.S. The aforementioned, unidentified “alien” referenced above is actually Kurrgo, Master of Planet ‘X’, previously seen in ‘Fantastic Four’ #7. ( 1962 ) I believe this was the last time ol’ Kurrgo ever showed up anywhere, unless I am mistaken. ( and I severely doubt that-my command of comic-book history is 99% reliable ) That’s pretty impressive for a fellow who hasn’t even read this comic in over fifty years!! ( yes, I know, I know- I’ll be signing autographs in the lobby! )


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