Giant-Size Chillers changes its name to Giant-Size Dracula with issue #2, so that’s how I’m tagging this short-lived series of reprints-with-one-original-story-per-issue.

The first introduces Lilith, the daughter of Dracula.

The first time we see her, she kills an abusive father.  Yes, she is in fact working out her daddy issues.  Count Dracula never loved her enough.

Also, she was killed by Quincy Harker and she’s out for vengeance.

And it seems like she kills him.  But of course she doesn’t.

Over the course of the story, we learn about her past (Dracula was a bad dad, and was her father before he became a vampire), she was raised by gypsies whose kids were eaten by Drac after he became a vampire, so the gypsies magically made Lilith into a creature bent on getting vengeance on Dracula.

But it seems being dead for 30 years has made her want to team up with Dracula.  But he rejects her offer.

And from here, the action will move to Tomb of Dracula.

3 thoughts on “GIANT-SIZE CHILLERS FEATURING THE CURSE OF DRACULA #1 (1974): 1st Lilith”

  1. It’s too bad Lilith is such a blood-sucking bitch, because I sure do love her! Even though the entire premise of “Twilight” makes me blow chunks, ( “Hey! Let’s hit the sheets with VAMPIRES, and see how well THAT works out!!!!” ) I cannot deny that Miss Lilith has kinda-got it goin’ on! She even came across as semi-heroic in 1982’s ‘X-Men Annual’#6! She’s not really bad! It’s her Daddy who’s bad! Hey! Give a bat-girl a break!!

  2. Have you ever seen the 1936 sequel to Universal Studio’s “Dracula”- “Dracula’s Daughter”-?? The titular character, Countess Marya Zelensky, enjoys quite a number of traits in common with Miss Lilith- certainly their fashion sense, ( all black ) and a definite love/hate relationship with Dad! The similarities are SO pronounced, it makes me wonder how inspired Marvel was by this movie in creating Lilith! Countess Zelensky even had a scary-looking goon ( Mr. Sandor ) following her around everywhere, keeping she and her coffin safe during the daylight hours! The Countess’ assault on a young, female model is why this film is celebrated in lesbo circles as one of Hollywood’s very first lesbo heroines! I personally did not get “lesbo” out of that scene- my take on it was that the Countess was starved for blood, and the young ingenue was what was available! No deeper than that! Seriously!


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