Doctor Strange gets the gang back together after Dormammu and Umar team up to try to take over the planet.

Nothing at all important or consequential, but not all comics have to matter. Sometimes being fun is good enough.

Dormammu creates fake versions of The Defenders and an entire fake reality, just to f–k with Doctor Strange and Clea. The whole thing is a revenge beef that collapses for Dormammu when Umar turns on him in the final chapter, entitled, “The Enemy of My Enemy isn’t Exactly My Friend (But She’ll do in a Pinch).”
In that issue, she turns Dormammu into a harmless troll.

JM DeMatteis is a versatile writer. This script is much more Justice League International (and Giffen is a cowriter, with Maguire on art) than it is Legends of the Dark Knight. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.