Deadpool runs a four issue “miniseries” that has both #1-4 and #61-64 numbering.

Deadpool died last issue, and now attends his own funeral as a ghost, and then goes on to the afterlife and meets Death.
Imposter Deadpools appear. This is the first time we get a “team Deadpool.” They’re all manifestations of DP’s own psyche. One is a superhero.

Then, he returns (as a zombie?) and wanders around until Weasel finds him and reminds him of who he really is. He’s able to do this because Death is now in love with him.
After some T-Ray drama, the other Deadpools are “killed” and we’re left with Thanos being angry that Death loves Deadpool so, to make sure the two lovers can never reconnect, Thanos curses Deadpool with immortality.

There’s a lot in this. I’m not sure there’s much good in this–but there’s surely a lot.
Thankfully, Gail Simone arrives next.