Shang Chi and Iron Fist team up for the second time in issue #29. the art, by Rudy Nebres, is unusually stylized–but very good. Like most of the DHoKF stories, the tale itself is just a vehicle for karate. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Also in these issue, more Sons of the Tiger/White Tiger stories, and the return of Jack of Hearts.

It’s weird, because he’s not a karate guy. Issue #31 brings everyone together, along with Misty Knight, in a massive, combat-filled story against Fu Manchu. It’s terrific.
The magazine ends with #33. The final issues have a two-part Daughters of the Dragon story by Chris Claremont and Marshall Rogers–a rare example of a female-led story, and it takes first position in both issues.

I think it’s the first time they refer to their partnership as “Night Wing.”
Also in these issues are letters from Fred Hembeck, but I’ve already printed a few from him. No need to keep uploading them here. Instead, here’s a cringe-worthy plea for letters from the editors: