Daredevil #61-64 (2004): The Widow

This story starts with Milla seeking an annullment of her marriage to Matt, asserting (rightly) that the marriage was obtained under false pretenses. She suspected (knew) Matt was Daredevil, but he lied and denied it. But before Matt can be too depressed about it, he comes home to Black Widow naked in his bed.

After getting that sexy visit, Matt gets a much less sexy visit…

Jigsaw. He wants to work for Matt since Matt is the new kingpin of crime, but of course Matt denies being Daredevil and denies that Daredevil is the new kingpin.

Eventually, we get to the point about both of these interactions. First, some people are out to kill Black Widow and she needs Daredevil’s help. Second, Jigsaw is out to kill Matt so that he can assume the kingpin role.

Natasha beats up Jigsaw and Nick Fury takes care of Natasha’s problem.

And we’re done.

The story here isn’t as good as the other ones so far in Bendis’ run, but as always the characterizations and dialogue are well-above average.

1 thought on “Daredevil #61-64 (2004): The Widow”

  1. The most curious thing to me about all of this is the premise that the Black Widow actually needs Daredevil’s help for any reason. She has always struck me as being at least as capable as ol’ Hornhead. Remember, the first time they met, ( issue#81 ) the Widow rescued him from drowning in New York harbor. And look at the cover- Natasha looks a lot more like Dana Scully from “The X-Files” than the Black Widow, but it’s all good. I haven’t followed ‘Daredevil’ too much in the new century, due to time and budgetary considerations, but in reference to the circumstances surrounding his marriage to Milla, and his function as the new Kingpin, I would have to say that Hornhead’s halo ( what a contradiction in visuals! ) has sustained quite a beating! I am not sure I would enjoy this more-recent, morally-ambiguous take on the character. As Stringfellow Hawke put it in the first-season episode of ‘Airwolf’, “Proof Through the Night”- “We’re the good guys- and good guys wear white hats.” Indeed!


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