In what appears to be the first major Marvel effort (“Marvel Next!”) to take its old products and make them young and diverse, this series turns from Spider-Man to Scorpion. She’s cool because she skateboards.
Carmilla Black is basically sold by her parents to A.I.M. who give her a “stinging arm” power that manifests when she turns 16.

She goes through some identity issues, including being mislead into believing her parents were killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. and that she was Madripoorian royalty before learning the truth and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. against A.I.M. In reality, it was AIM doctor Monica Rappaccini who ordered her parents killed…

She’s evil.

SHIELD gives her Noriko Nagayoshi, who is basically her personal “Micro” in that he gives her tech and information.
After multiple double-crosses, she saves Veep Cheney and is established as a hero.

In addition to introducing the new Scorpion, this is the first appearance of SHIELD agent Anya Sareva and Wakanda Secret Policeman Derek Khanata.

You can tell Anya is youthful because she wears a backwards baseball cap.
This is actually a solid origin story, albeit very similar to ones we’ve seen before (most notably, that of Jessica Drew–who also has a stinging power). It’s also got good supporting characters, which helps quite a bit.