Another forgettable anthology. Here’s the skinny on the stories inside:
Cloak and Dagger: Dagger revisits her past by taking down a porn director who is taking advantage of a childhood friend. In the credit box, they spelled both the penciler and inkers’ names wrong.

Grade: F
Power Pack. A check-in on the kids since their book was cancelled. They’re on a family vacation at the beach and fight off some sea monsters who are only trying to protect their eggs from tourists. Fairly typical Power Pack fare, but not done especially well. Creators: Michael Higgins and Steve Buccellato. Grade: D
Sabra fights a terrorist group, but the twist is she’s Israel’s hero and the group is named Israelis for Anarchy. Creators: Scott Lobdell, Paul Abrams. Grade: C.
Speedball: If it’s an anthology comic, there must be a Speedball story. Creators: Mary Jo Duffy and Steve Ditko. Grade: F, as usual.
X-Men. There’s the first installment of a three-part X-Men story that has it’s own post because it spans multiple issues.