Marvel Comics Presents #1-12 (2007-2008): Vanguard and Weapon Omega stories

Here we ago again. An anthology with stories, sometimes just five pages long, where some continue across issues and others don’t. I don’t know what annoys me more, the fact that it’s so hard to write about these because I have to do multiple posts on the same issue to cover each of the stories or…The fact that most of it is not very good.

It’s the not good part. That’s what bothers me most. (There are a few gems, tho’, like the Hellcat story that begins in issue #1 by the Immonens. Definitely read that.)

I’m starting with “Vanguard” because that’s one of two stories that run across all twelve issues of this series. But it’s not about Vanguard the character from Alpha Flight. He appears in a different story that runs across all the issues of this anthology series, which I also cover in this post. Just to be confusing.

The story titled, “Vanguard,” is about a new black op team who try to kill a cop named Stacy Dolan, who was a childhood friend of Danny Ketch, because they think she’s a supervillain after she gets possessed by a villain who can possess people. But he gets killed by Blade so don’t bother getting to know him.

Dolan’s attempted assassin is Dominic Fortune. After he realizes she was possessed, they team up with the other Vanguard members, one of whom is “Colonel America.”

There’s also a woman called Retcon who can change peoples’ memories of the past. I wish she could erase this whole story.

The Weapon Omega story is worse because it features Michael Pointer (who is the new Guardian, a character formerly called Vanguard, in the all-new, all-terrible Alpha Flight) and USAgent. There’s no way I’m reading this closely enough to write about it, but if you’re a huge Michael Pointer fan it has stuff about his origin.

Also, if you’re a huge Michael Pointer fan, please drop me a comment and tell me what the hell is wrong with you?

I told you this was bad. Don’t read it.

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