RUNAWAYS #18 (2004): Series ends

After eliminating the threat of The Pride (seemingly) and the death of Alex, we get a quiet conversation between the team-members about what’s next for all of them.  The conversation happens at James Dean’s memorial.  Nice touch.  They ponder: Will The Pride re-form and come after them?  Should they be superheroes?  Meanwhile, Captain America addresses the press, who challenge him on his paternalistic views about the kids….

It’s a nice moment.  Alphona’s art is pitch-perfect, expressing Cap’s long-standing shame and anguish about what happened to Bucky, on his watch, during WWII.

The Runaways agree to stay together (and keep a cool flying craft they took from The Pride).

And we’re done. 

Sadly, the next volume will not be as good.

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