Ka-Zar returns, which is fine, but he beats up the entire X-Men, which is just plain silly. I get that they like Ka-Zar at Marvel, but one guy in a loincloth can’t possibly take down the team.

The team is still in the Savage Land, after their battle with Sauron, and now they meet Magneto, who has begun genetic experimentation again. Remarkably similar to Nazi activities.
He has create the Savage Land Mutates, who appear for the first time in these issues. one of them is a frog dude.

Cool. Another one is Lorelei.

She won’t reappear in an X-book for five years, instead appearing in Avengers and Defenders comics. She was never a major character, but she’d pop up from time to time.
Sadly, this is also Neal Adams’ last issue with Roy Thomas. Shame, because Adams’ art is spectacular.

It all ends with a bunch of explosions and Magneto left for dead…And some cliched writing.