So far, all 8 issues of What If? ended up coming true in some fashion. That streak ends with #9. What If The Avengers Had Fought Evil During the 1950s?
Although a 1959 Avengers team was established by Brian Michael Bendis in New Avengers #10, the team was entirely different.
So, at last, a true What If? story.
Sadly, it’s not one of the better ones. D
And the streak of untrue What If?s continued with #10. What If Jane Foster Found Thor’s Hammer? Yes, Jane became a Thor. But it was after merging with Sif–not by finding his hammer. So, again, a fake story. And again, one of the lesser tales. D+
And closing out the trifecta…
What If? #11: What if the Marvel Bullpen Became the Fantastic Four? Written and drawn by the great Jack Kirby.
And no, it didn’t come true.
But it’s a good issue of What If? C+