Uncanny X-Men #450-451 (2004-2005)

X23 was introduced in the NYX series, but these issues are the first time she appears in an X-Men title. Wolverine and Storm go to a movie…

…and afterwards, they are summoned to District X’s morgue. Apparently, it has its own morgue.

There, they see the victims of a street vigilante–four bodies that were slashed to death with sharp blades.

Of course they were killed by X-23 and of course they were mutant-bashing bad guys.

They track her down and confront her.

I’ve always said that Wolverine’s costume looks an awful lot like Timber Wolf from Legion of Super Heroes.

X-23’s is even more similar.

After they fight, the X-Men help her disentangle from the Bacchae and let her disappear into the city again. The Bacchae are a mutant mafia operating out of District X. Not really worth saying more than that.

Meanwhile, Tessa is invited back into the Hellfire Club.

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