So around this time, Marvel started naming its arcs as a way to market not just one comic, but several at a time. Marvel Team-Up has always worked best as a series of done-in-ones, where Spider-Man first fights then teams up with a new and different hero each week, so I’m not as big a fan of this three-issue arc. But I do like John Romita Sr.’s cover to #9.

Kang and Zarkko the Tomorrow Man go to war, so…Time travel!

Zarrko recruits Iron Man and Spidey to help him defeat Kang.

But of course he was the wrong horse to back.
Kang traps The Avengers in clear containers.

After kind of sorting that out, Spider-Man meets up with Human Torch. Torch teases him, of course.
Human Torch seems to serve only one purpose: To give Spidey directions to the Great Refuge of the The Inhumans. He doesn’t take Spidey there, and is completely dispensable.
There’s also a dispensable appearance by the Omega robot.

Then it’s on to The Inhumans, because Maximus had gotten his hands on Kang’s “time bomb.”

Spider-Man brings them forward in time so Black Bolt can yell and save the day.

You’d think three issues and Kang this ought to matter, but it’s just a confusing, garbled mess.

In #10, he’s with
In #11, it’s the Inhumans, with an appearance by The Avengers.