Thor: Son of Asgard is another spin on the old “Tales of Asgard” backups from Journey into Mystery. I didn’t cover those back-ups on my first time through those issues. Maybe someday I’ll go back and read them.
In any event, this 2004 series is told in a more modern way—with more realistic art and more violence and mature themes—but it’s not BETTER than the Lee/Kirby stories. It’s not bad, just not better. It’s written by manga writer Akira Yoshida with art by Greg Tocchini.
In issue #1, skinny young Thor can’t lift his hammer yet.

That’s teen Sif and teen Balder in the background, laughing at him. The theme of the full 12-issue run of this series will be about Thor becoming worthy to wield Mjolnir.
The first arc, “Warriors Teen,” has Thor, Sif and Balder fight off some demon spiders created by Loki and then going on a quest for a dragon that has scales that Odin wants to use to make a new, powerful sword. Loki had created the spiders to make Thor look stupid, but when Thor was able to defeat them, Odin decided to send him on the quest—meaning that Loki’s plan backfired and ended up launching Thor’s effort to prove his worth to his daddy. The teens then go on additional quests for items and of course Loki screws with them. They succeed and then pose for the obligatory corny group shot.

Karnilla is the main foe here, and the story ends with her being impressed by Balder’s performance. She and Balder, much later in the Walt Simonson years, will have a thang together. This story nicely plants the roots for that tale.
In all, harmless fun.
Akira Yoshida was revealed to be a pen-name for CB Cebulski, current Marvel EIC.