I think what happened here is that Dan Jurgens had some ideas for Thor that were too “big” for the 616 Universe, but Marvel recognized that they were awesome so they let him write an alternate reality story.
It takes place 17 years after the destruction of Asgard and New York City that occurred last issue. Thor is now king of Earth and is leading humanity to a better future–disposing of freedom and democracy in the process.
Of course, heroes of Earth rise up to resist–including a younger, new Thor. It all ends with King (future) Thor realizing that he’s erred and then using Zarrko’s time machine to return to just before Thor killed Jake Olson, and preventing that from ever happening.

King Thor also enables 616 Thor to remember what happened in this future timeline–so that his arrogance won’t allow him to repeat those mistakes. So it ends by wiping out over a year of comic books from history, and by rendering this non-616 story out-of-scope from my blog. It actually wipes out But the story is excellent.
Dan Jurgens’ run is overrated. This is a great ending to his run.
I think if 616 Thor can remember it happening then it counts, if only for him personally, and can remain in scope. Like he can bring this up in conversation with the Avenger if he wanted.
This might be the most influential run after Simonson. The next several runs and the movies will use elements from this again.
The Dark Gods or authoritarian Thor would make great movies.