In his quest to find daddy, Thor fights Ulik the Troll, dragons, and others. For some reason, it doesn’t bother me that John Buscema uses a sound effect to block out the actual contact of Ulik’s mace with Thor’s face. The search engages the Warriors Three and Sif-in-Jane-Foster’s-body, and takes them all into space.
This leads to an appearance by The Recorder, which I always love…

And then they square off against Grey Gargoyle, who has his own space battleship now.

It’s all fun, but there’s not much to it.
This story continues on in space, but I’m breaking here because it’s John Buscema’s last issue. Which is sad.
Note: Issue #254 is a reprint. Note 2: Although this is a wide span of issues, there are Tales of Asgard backups, so each episode in this arc is short. Also, issues #255-257 of this arc are drawn by Tony DeZuniga.